Saturday, April 21, 2012

Birthdays... they get better and better

I'm officially 30 today.  Well, I think I was actually born around 1:00 pm... so I have a couple more hours.  I'm not sure who's more excited about my birthday, me or my children.  That's not true.  They are far more excited!  Although, I do love my birthday!  I spend most hours of most days serving.  I'm thankful for that role... and it's one I feel was given to me.  But it's nice for this one day to feel like it's just mine.  I'm pretty spoiled on Mother's day, too, but I share that with my mom and Jason's mom... and all the other moms in the world.  But my birthday is only mine.  And my favorite fella and girls spoil me rotten.  This morning I woke up at 7:08 (that's SUPER late for us!).  I looked up and read the time on my new alarm clock (I've been wanting one of the iphone docks for a long time!)... then closed my eyes again before I realized that clock wasn't there the night before.  Thanks, Jason!!
 The girls all made me cards, Adelaide's even had a personally made up joke that she wrote just for me.  I don't get it, but she thinks it's HILARIOUS!!!!  Lucy told me "happy burp-day" and burped just for me.  That's so Lucy!  Julianne sang happy birthday over and over.  Jason made me breakfast and served me first... and the kids ate most of my breakfast before he could get their's on the table.  That's what life's supposed to be like now, right!?  I love it!  I am one thankful mama.  I've had a pretty eventful run of my 20's and I'm sure there will be lots of action in my 30's too.  I'll have 2 teenagers during that decade.... oh my.

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