Sunday, May 6, 2012

Scentsational Saturday

My saturday was so scent-sational, I forgot to post my scentsational Saturday post!  Oops!  It's going to be a Scentsational Sunday anyway, so I'll post a day late.  Today I have a helpful Scentsy tip.
For all of you that have a plug-in,  I know you've gone through the predicament of "how do I change this wax without spilling it all over the place?"  Well, here are a couple of ways to do just that!
If the wax is melted, turn the plug-in off and grab a paper towel.  Gently hold the wadded up paper towel in the wax to absorb some.  While holding the paper towel in the wax, pull the plug in out of the wall.  Pour the remainder of the wax in the trash can (or back in the container if it still has scent) and wipe the dish clean.
If you're patient enough to let the wax harden, pop the plug-in out of the wall and pop the wax out with a butter knife.
I hope this helps someone and saves you from cleaning wax off your walls or floor!
Stay tuned next saturday to learn how to get that wax out of your carpet should you need it!

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