Thursday, May 3, 2012

A star is born.....

                                 Adelaide takes a moment to smile for the photographer (Daddy).
                                                  Beginning with her speaking part.
                            Adelaide's first solo!!!!  Doesn't she look right at home on that stage?
Thanks, Laura for the video!  Adelaide's solo is the one that goes "Monday through Friday, what a drag, 9-5 it's nag nag nag.  Two weeks vacation, not a day more, how 'bout a raise or I'm out the door."
Adelaide had her kindergarten program tonight and she did awesome!!!  She was so excited about it!!  We have worked a lot on her lines and her solo and all of her hard work really showed.  I'm such a proud mama!  The program was called "The Color Factory" and in summary it's about three colors that feel like they do the same thing all day long.  Until they are mixed with each other and make new colors (secondary) and work together as a team.... then all things are well again.  It was a super-cute production and I give total props to Mrs. Green... she has the patience of Job and I honestly don't know how she does it, but she keeps all the kids focused and on task!
Adelaide has always liked to be the center of attention since she was born and that really helped her in her performance tonight!  She just got up on that stage and you would never know there were hundreds of people in the audience looking at her.  She didn't seem nervous at all.  We were sitting right in front and she got up to the microphone to do her solo and she looked right into my eyes, smiled great big and mouthed "my solo!"  I love her.  I can see many productions and recitals in our future.
I would like to thank my mom for driving the longest distance to see the show, Laura and Adam Lyles for taking time out of their busy lives to come see her sing, Helen Rhinehart, Patti and Maggie Elliott for coming and showing their support.  We are truly blessed with such a great church family and I don't know how people make it without that support!

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